Friday, May 25, 2012

What interests me concerns the nature of the political polarization that is going on. Our book group read "Winner Take All Politics" which amazed me. Since I have been reading Paul Krugman's "End this Depression Now" while also reading Byrne Edsall's "The Age of Austerity". I was hoping Edsall would explain the reason for the Austerity but so far he has described it as a result of the Conservative's hand being strengthened by austerity which they have used to hurt the Democrat's constituents - mostly the have-nots and those who love them. Which actually increases the austerity for those groups. But Edsall seems to assume the austerity is there as an initial given that everyone understands. But Krugman disagrees and considers it primarily political. Which is correct? How much of our point of view colors our ability to understand both sides?

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