Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quiz questions I have used for Intro to Philosophy this semester so far: What are the limits of religious tolerance that we should accept? (This especially in regards to Spinoza and Jefferson, and the Taliban shooting a little girl who wanted an education.) What do you think our rights should be or what are the inalienable rights that should be in our social contract? (This in regard to Hobbes and the Social Contract). Does the earth go around the sun or does the sun go around the earth? (This in regards to Galileo.) What do you think of the comparison of spirit / matter to energy / mass? Was Aquinas doing physics in describing the nature of the Angels? How persuasive do you think the Ontological Argument is? Have you heard of Saint Augustine before? What have you heard? What do you think of the You-tube videos used in class? If you were a platoon leader in a war zone and ordered to have your platoon avoid being approached by children even to the extent of shooting them to keep them away, would you give that order or how would you deal with the dilemma? Do you think modern educated women are no longer "women"? If there is no eternal soul what would be the goal of life? What do you find the most beautiful thing/ experience? Do you have a soul and what is it? What are the ten commandments?

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