Wednesday, October 2, 2013

There are several things that I need to remind myself of that developed in class this week: for Aristotle we are discussing the categories and this page is relevant: For Humanities we may say that a theme that united the lectures Monday evening was the idea that initially photography extended the way people found the nature of what they could believe - seeing is believing - and pictures were believable. But today you feel people no longer trust what they see - since all commercial photography and professional media seems to doctor what they display. Every thing shown is touched up or photo-shopped. (Even my own web site picture of me!) Yet there are images we can trust - perhaps Youtube videos that are poorly made and obviously un-doctored - can be trusted. Again, as my own home made videos seem to me. So the evolution of photography and moving images has gone from extending the knowable to creating a world of the unbelievable. For Intro to Philosophy the question concerns the nature of Historical Jesus Scholarship and the very nature of Christianity. Of central concern here is the Harold Bloom point that most who consider themselves Christians today in the US are actually pagan in their practices. What exactly does it mean to be a Christian?

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