Saturday, February 3, 2018

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy lecture 3

We discussed Plato this evening including the Meno and the Symposium I made two videos and they are posted here and here. The quiz questions were Has the pill been one of the factors in the decrease of Americans marriage? and thinking about the plot of the movie The Circle Do you think it would be good if everything that happens was recorded?

1 comment:

  1. The pill made it possible for people of low or questionable moral fiber to indulge in a free for all of sex, like the sixties flower power movement, which was a nd for most used by boys to get in to the pants of girls. the pill allowed people to play with out the consequences of pregnancy incurring shot gun weddings due to fun on the run so to speak. Which in turn reduced the number of weddings and the nuclear families. The pill was originally introduced as a population control device, however ware it was needed most those cultures and religious groups for bade its use for fear it would give licensed to unmarried and rampant intercourse among the masses.

    If every thing was recorded the question is who is watching, why and for what propose it serves. There would be no privacy, no rights of trail by jury since every thing is known at the time of the crime even if that crime would be trying to remove the cameras. Be sides no one wants to see a middle aged fat man in his underwear raiding the frig at 2:00 AM in the morning. As well if know one knows they are filming every one are the circle people going to call for help when any person has an emergency or home invasion or are they contracted to just observe and not report to keep the secrecy the operation going on as per policy. May be in some Hollywood utopia that would work but in reality it would spark wars and rebellion against any entity that used this system of controlling the masses.
