Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday classes

For Early Modern Philosophy this morning we discussed Rousseau and for the last few minutes Kant. My quiz question must have been something about my treatment of Rousseau but I forget exactly what I asked. Does anyone remember? For Introduction to Philosophy this afternoon my quiz question was how would you have like to be a monk or nun during the Middle Ages? For my Introduction to Philosophy class this evening there were two questions: the first quiz question was what did you think of the orthodoxy of Augustine as I presented it? Does that sound like Christianity to you? And the second was how would you have like to be a monk or nun during the Middle Ages?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Augustine goal was to to bring Christianity under one roof and use it as a tool control the masses of multitude of cultures of the Roman Empire. By opening up Christianity to all people and not just the Jewish/Hebrew faiths. This also reduced the power of the old established Jewish monopoly on the religion.

    2. I would not have been a monk in the Middle ages if I was given a choice.
