Monday, June 26, 2017

Logic lecture 5

This evening we practiced some syllogisms and went over the rules, and then took the second test. Those that needed more time took them home to work on some more. There was no quiz question since there was a test in class. The remaining portion of the evening we began looking at symbolic logic. No video of class this evening! I did not bring the camera with me. But just going over syllogisms would be a great way to cover what we did in class. Remember also that next week is the July 4th holiday so we do not have class Monday evening. THe syllogisms for test 2 are: 1. EAO-3 2. OAO-2 3. IOO-1 4. AAA-2 5. EIO-4 6. EAO-2 7. EEA-3 8. OIO-2 9. AII-1 10. AAA-1 For each expand them using S, M, and P for the terms, give a Venn diagram, determine if it is valid or invalid, and if it is invalid give the rules broken.

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