Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday classes

This morning's Early Modern Philosophy class was on Existentialism and we ended up staying late. The quiz question I asked was why did we stay late? For Introduction to Philosophy this afternoon we were doing Hume and I asked do you think philosophy is a complete waste of time? For my double session of Introduction to Philosophy this evening we discussed Berkeley first and the quiz question was do you have a persistent self? Then for the Hume segment I asked do you think philosophy is a complete waste of time?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Berkeley
    The issue of a persistent self is a misnomer, the sense of self is fluid like water it changes over time as one grows and experiences form the environment one lives in and exposed too. A sense of a persistent self would be that person starring back at you in the mirror and even that if a fleeting moment that becomes a memory or a just a conditioned response. So, yes. I have a persistent self that controls the functions of life that keep me alive and tell me to breath, eat and when to sleep, is a representation of persistent self even if we are self's are not aware of it.

    2. Hume
    Philosophy is not a wast of time for if it was why would it be taught in college today. Though it can be dry reading it is the foundation of all societies. Like it or leave it some times it is like a blow hard who will not stop talking and other times it inspires people to do great things for good or ill depending on the intentions of the user. With out Philosophical debate We would still be hunter gathers running from Saber-tooth tigers and Giant cave bears.
