Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday classes

For Early Modern Philosophy we talked about William James, Josiah Royce, American music, Charles Murray, and even religion. So the quiz question was did you ever hear of the Swedenborgians before? (Henry James Sr was a Swedenborgian theologian.) Check out my videos of Bryn Athyn. The grounds. Why did they call Hegel "the old man" while he was in Tubigen? That is the quiz question for Introduction to Philosophy for the afternoon session. For my evening double session of Introduction to Philosophy the topic was Kant and the quiz question was in two parts. You are in traffic that is stuck and three guys get out of their car and try to break in on a young woman next to you in traffic. First part, what is your moral imperative - to interfere or not to interfere? Second part, what do you think you would actually do? For the second half on Hegel the question is Why did they call Hegel "the old man" while he was in Tubigen?

1 comment:

  1. Kant
    1. The moral imperative is to access the situation call 911 and do not hesitate to act to save a life even if it means you might get hurt.

    2. After a quick assessment of the situation I would call 911 and assist the woman using tactical methods in other words never fight fair (take out the aggressors by any means).

    Hegal had such a somber appearance that his students and friends called him "the old man".
