Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Friday evening we discussed a few European philosophers from the end of the syllabus from last week since we had stopped there with Moses. There are two videos from last night posted here and here. Last night I watched the first video and made comments on the youtube site when I realized I either made and error or should have added something. The first quiz question was who do you think was the ugliest philosopher we discussed? (See the video for a hint.) The second half of the class was on Aquinas who we will continue discussing next week as well. See the test questions to see how this emphasis on Aquinas is essentially the climax of this course. The second quiz question was how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

1 comment:

  1. 1.) I believe it is a toss up between Peter Lombard and Plotinus as the ugliest philosopher.

    2.)All and none at the same time. This is a metaphor for wasting time when other more pressing issues are at hand.
