Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Early Modern Philosophy lecture 5

Today we discussed Spinoza. The quiz question was is he convincing regarding the nature of God? The video of the class is here.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Spinoza was on the right track on the nature of God, Though such summations are fickle in nature since no one alive today has seen God, its that Faith thing again. The problem lies in separation spiritual faith from reality, plus most people that claim to have seen god in these times are either some one of great faith in what they seam not to comprehend or they are a priest and subject such scrutiny by those that judge as if they are their betters. God in the bible as described say his the Alfa and the Omega, but yet further reading on how the universe was created God was there first with all the angles and so forth. So one could argue that god is every thing and even more. At the time the Bible was written concepts of the how things work were kept to the church and Aristotelian Science and not based on sensible observation reality and reason both limiting God to unenlightened Human terms. I can not speak for every one else but to me God can be imagined by Humans in all his Splendor, But it seam that the religious elite does not want competition on the comings and goings of God and reduces God and Jesuses(teachings)Key word there, to guide lines rather than enlighten behavior modification witch many people do need. However, not force fed. Yes one can have a relationship with God and Jesus with out the edict of the church but it can help when needed for going it alone is a hard road if one chooses it. I can think and imagen the universe and beyond, does that make me a Heretic or an enlightened Human being in the eyes of God and a heretic to the church?
