Thursday, September 13, 2018

Early Modern Philosophy lecture 6

Today we discussed John Locke and the social contract. The video is posted here. The quiz question was do you think rights should be universal?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, all Human rights should be Universal for both men and women. this would turn many backwards cultures that are still operating in primitive mode upside down and inside out, making it possible for the Human race to evolve together and stop having wars over religion and resource's. when women can tell there men to go out and get a job or work the fields to feed there families instead of grabbing there AK-47 to go fight a religious war with out being beaten or killed then there will be peace on earth and good will to both men and women. it is a shame that male domination in some cultures has been the Baine of the human race all these years. When obedience to Religious edict means one must go out to murder another who is not of the same religion or a none believer in the name of God or the use of torcher to gain a confession so one can be put to death for a slight offence, or to cut off fingers and hands to for stealing food to feed ones family, Yes Universal rights for all is one of the big things that need to happen.
