Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Early Modern Philosophy lecture 24

Today we discussed Richard Rorty. The video is posted here and here. The quiz question was how would you deal with the problem of the welfare state?

1 comment:

  1. A welfare state is problematic, First and foremost it was intended to help those who could not work for what ever reason for the poor, second it has turned into a way of life for those that professional life is to live on welfare for many that can work but no longer see the point of trying. Since there is less jobs for unskilled labor and wages in many places are not enough to live on in the low range of most local economies for non- skilled labor. Why work your self to death making a rich person wealthy when you can go on welfare and get near free medical, dental and low or reduced housing. However, in most places that means one lives in the slums with little opportunity to get out and get indoctrinated to the welfare line, this causes mass depression of the human spirit and people fall into the rut and loose the ability to see a better life other than the slums. The bitterness keeps them down with exceptions of course for those few individuals that do not loose hope and strive to better them selves and rise up and out of the slums. Unfortunately for sum they see becoming a predator by joining gangs and getting involved in crime and Drugs as away out ,however, it is a trap that is very hard to get out of if at all. When a society is forced by even economics their part of the world becomes a dog eat dog situation many lives and good potentials are wasted. This life style is akin to slavery tactics used to keep people ignorant of their own potential as human beings, let alone what they them selves can contribute to improve the human condition. I my self would set rules like if one is on illegal drugs even Marianna or is constantly drunk on Alcohol they do not get paid. Felony arrest one loses welfare. End the free ride for those who can work with some humanitarian exceptions, Offer free or work release detox centers to get people of the drugs and Alcohol. Force Corporations cities to provide work programs and training and work shops to help change bad cultural behaviors that are really unacceptable to a society that preys upon its own. One must live by a moral code even if it is not mainstream religion but a very good since of what is right and wrong with Common Human decency.
