Friday, November 16, 2018

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Sorry I got behind in posting notes but GCI was mean to me at the end of our billing month. They wanted more money and I said no. In any case, Tuesday in Early Modern Philosophy we discussed Alasdair MacIntyre and John Rawls. These are two further examples of Historians of Thought but each with a specialty. MacIntyre - ethics, and Rawls Law. Thursday we discussed Quine and some of his accomplishments. Videos are posted here and here. Though the battery went early on the first one. The quiz question on the first was Should we be pissed that there are no women allowed in the drinking clubs at Harvard? and the second was why would the death of Carrol Hofstadter be so sad (not just for Douglas but for those reading Le Ton Beau de Marot?). For Introduction to Philosophy on Wednesday we discussed Immanuel Kant again this time focusing on Lera Bororditsky's Ted talk about how language affects our thought and the video is posted here. By the way, her TED talk is posted here. The quiz question was how does this awareness of how language influences differences - even in sublanguages for groups - help us understand differences in important isses today?

1 comment:

  1. For Early Modern Philosophy Quiz Q&A.
    a. Yes and No, No for the old boy network but yes for the Women that may want to be included on an equal pier level other than escorts and gold diggers.

    b. For Douglas it was sad for the loss of his wife. For English readers it may be sad due to the translator Douglas wife died wile he brought the get well poem to the English speaking masses. The irony is that his work that may have been meant to give hope to his wife and the readers was in it self was a tragedy for Douglas. Depending on ones point of view the French Poem is inconsequential to the fact that Carrol died except for the emotional response of Douglas and the reader of the poem in English, mean wile the French mayor may not care over the matter.
